Mike Warren

Mike Warren

TitleCareer Manager

Career Management


The services we offer sit in four distinct areas as follows:

1. Personal Career Coaching: This involves working with individuals who come to us as private clients. The coaching can be extremely varied depending on the needs of the client. Typical elements included are as follows: Help with Career Planning; Defining Career Objectives; Career Drivers Assessment; Emotional Intelligence Assessment; Defining an Appropriate Self-Marketing Strategy; The True Meaning of Work/Life Balance; How to Use the Platinum Rule; Designer and ‘Vanilla’ CVs; Developing Interview Skills and Technique; Providing Data for Accessing the Hidden Job Market.

2. Outplacement: As companies and organisations expand and reorganise their business operations, they will occasionally be in a situation where they will reluctantly have to ‘let go’ of certain employees. In these cases, caring organisations will often add a supplement to these employees’ redundancy packages to cover outplacement support, made available through Proteus Consultancy Limited. In this way they are managing to protect and even to enhance their reputation with their remaining employees.

3. Onboarding: As an important element of the Induction Programme for new employees, it should also include an element of mentoring and personal development to help them understand how their personality style will fit into the ethos and values of the new organisation. The Onboarding Support Programme offered by Proteus Consultancy Limited also includes our “Top Tips for Settling Into A New Job” as well as a look at the new employee’s Career Drivers and Emotional Intelligence.

4. In-House Career Management: Some employees find it to be a difficult transition to instantly fit into a new organisation, a new department or team or even to work under a new line-manager: it depends on their personality style, their degree of maturity, their emotional intelligence, their career drivers and also on the nature of their new working environment. Our support to employees can be an invaluable resource to help smooth the transition so that the employee settles in and becomes productive much sooner than is normally the case.