Juliette Peters

Juliette Peters


Family Law


I set up Peters May LLP in September 2018 with Jessica May, a former City law firm colleague. We wanted to offer a specialist, first class and discrete divorce and family law service which put the client first. That would enable us to be flexible about where (eg their office or home) and when (eg. to fit around their schedule) we saw our clients.
I am a very experienced lawyer having qualified in 1995. I have worked at both small, niche firms (Sears Tooth for 7 years with legendary divorce lawyer Ray Tooth) and large firms (head of family at Howard Kennedy LLP) so I have seen most things in the divorce world.

I am regularly instructed in high net work cases and they will often involve a family business, trusts and the tracing of assets. I also advise on private children cases such as the arrangements for children, particularly their relocation. Increasingly, I also find myself advising upon and drafting prenuptial agreements. I aim to sort difficult disputes quickly and fairly either by agreement or with the help of the court.
“Juliette Peters was my only choice for a London law firm partner.” Client.

“I had a very protracted and complicated divorce because of the stance my Husband took and the fact we jointy owned a successful business. I had to get the right lawyer who was not only a specialist and could keep up with my Husband in what became a battle of wits but who was supportive and who I trusted.” Client

I am also a Guernsey Advocate (non practising) having practised at Ozannes (now Mourant Ozannes).
I am very proud of my Channel Island heritage.
Outside of work, I like to walk my boxer dog Frank in the Kent countryside and care for my young daughter and stepsons.