Jennifer Pike

Jennifer Pike


Web Design/Development


Jennifer Pike begain work as an event planner at Fox Studios in Los Angeles, organizing premiere parties and corporate events for Fox celebrities and executives.

Following her time at Fox, she transitioned to roles at Los Angeles’ Key Club music venue and the local paper, LA Weekly. Here, her marketing efforts expanded beyond events, delving into early digital marketing facets like eBlasts and websites. She was also among the pioneers to utilize social networking platforms, like MySpace, for business outreach.

Driven by her passion for social media and digital design, she pursued a second degree in web design and development from UCLA. Post-graduation, Jennifer returned to Fox, this time as a web developer. Subsequently, she crafted websites for various businesses, including Joico, Sainsburys, Which? Publications, and Molton Brown.

In 2016, Jennifer Pike relocated to London and merged her marketing, design, and development expertise to establish Phoenix Road Creative, a female-led marketing and web design agency. The company’s core objective is to enhance brands through exceptional websites and innovative digital marketing execution.
