Dealing With Finances in a Divorce or Relationship Breakdown

Dealing With Finances in a Divorce or Relationship Breakdown

Understanding the reality of relationship endings, especially considering the high rates of divorce and separation, highlights the necessity of addressing the division of financial assets in long-term relationships beyond the initial 50/50 split. While England’s legal system aims for equality in asset division, there’s no fixed formula, allowing judges to consider various factors such as each party’s financial needs, their standard of living, and the presence of children.

Cases like RC v JC and White v White underscore the judiciary’s discretion in awarding settlements, recognizing contributions beyond financial ones, like career sacrifices. For unmarried couples, without the legal protections of marriage or civil partnership, cohabitation agreements are crucial to outlining asset division and financial responsibilities.

Furthermore, in cases involving children, securing an amicable child contact agreement is paramount, with mediation recommended before pursuing legal action. Overall, seeking legal advice and considering alternatives like mediation can ensure fair and informed decisions during relationship breakdowns.

Want to learn more? Check out the article “Dealing With Finances in a Divorce or Relationship Breakdown” by BNI Cloud Member Nasreen Akhtar.